06 June 2007

#13 and #14, 14 April 2007

[originally written on 15 April 2007, with some small edits]

Just a few notes, since I was far too tired at the time to write anything terribly detailed.

1) I finally discovered which of the Broadway actors is the butler offering drinks to the Thenardiers in the wedding scene. Took me a few weeks but I got it today. XD I am running out of things to figure out about this revival, heh.
2) There is a florist on 8th and 51st. Score. XD;
3) Dan, bless him, seemed extremely surprised that I went from 1998 to 2006 without having seen LM. "But I thought you followed the tour a long time!" ♥ This was after I'd mentioned that I was all excited to see him on May 6.
4) I am apparently approachable on the street, because some totally random girl stopped me on the corner of 8th and 47th and fangirled about Grey Gardens and Christine Ebersole for like half an hour. WTF.
5) Aaron is such a sweetheart. ♥ And I told him that I was going to be up for all four shows next weekend, and he gave me a high-five. XD And I got two hugs: one after the matinee, and one after the evening. I am going to miss that man so very much.
6) Also, what's-her-face who does the bobble-head drawings recognises me: she said hi to me after the matinee. This would be my fault for actually holding a conversation with her at the stage door after some Saturday matinee a few weeks ago.

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